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Security incident at a 3rd party supplier

Glauca Digital


We have been notified by CentralNIC Registry that they have experienced a potential security incident.

As of the writing of this email CentralNIC have not informed us of any theft of data or compromise of the security of any domains. We also have no evidence of unauthorised access to our systems, nor compromise of any data held by us.

CentralNIC is the registry operator for the following TLDs; if you do not have a domain in one of these TLDs you are entirely unaffected by this incident:

  • .fm
  • .fo
  • .pw
  • .vg
  • .gd
  • .gl

What we have done

Out of an abundance of caution we have rotated all passwords and security tokens related to CentralNIC, and are keeping a closer eye on matters to spot any potential malicious activity.

What is the impact on me

If you have a domain in one of the affected TLDs its transfer authorisation code has been rotated. This will likely have no effect on you but please bear in mind this may cause issues if and when you decide to transfer your domain; if such issues arise we’ll be more than happy to help resolve them with CentralNIC.

What action do I need to take

At the time we do not recommend that you take any additional action. We will be in touch if we learn more that is of concern.

If you have an concerns please do not hesitate to contact us at or CentralNIC an

The Glauca Team

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